Guided Tour
The synth is divided into five sections. They are selected using the rail on the left side of the screen. From top to bottom, the sections are synth, effects, matrix, keyboard, and settings. When you first launch Pegboard, the synth view will be visible. All of the synth modules are accessible from this view. Along the top of the screen is the synth header.
On the left of the synth header is the preset menu. Next to this are the stepper controls, enabling you to quickly load adjacent presets. The right of the header contains the save, undo, redo, and gain buttons. The gain parameter is completely independent of your device volume.
Running along the bottom of the synth view is the keyboard strip. The keyboard strip is a simplified piano layout. By default, the C major scale is highlighted. The scrollbar above the keyboard allows you to scroll through the full scale. The keyboard strip is available from other tabs as well, allowing you to adjust parameters during its use.
Pegboard is designed to support multitouch. This allows you to change multiple parameters simultaneously, as well as play chords and complex arrangements. The keyboard is also velocity sensitive on devices that support it.
Each of the synth modules has a power button in the top left. Toggling this off bypasses the module and reduces CPU usage. Pegboard defaults to using two voices. This is to conserve CPU usage. The number of voices can be increased in the Master module. Audio output will begin to stutter when CPU usage is too high. This is less of a concern with newer devices but it's something to be aware of if you have an older device.
The effects tab includes six effect modules. The signal from all voices is mixed and passes through the modules from top to bottom. The matrix tab has 16 rows for connection modulation sources to parameters. The keyboard tab opens the isomorphic keyboard. This is explained in more detail in Keyboard View. The toolbar on the right includes the edit button and pitch bend slider. The pitch bend range can be configured by changing the bend parameter in the Master module.